Recorded during her Speak Now World Tour in 2011, this live recording collects 16 performances from the country-pop starlet, including all 14 songs from her 2010 studio outing Speak Now, as well as covers of Train's "Drops of Jupiter" and Kim Carnes' "Bette Davis Eyes." The DVD/Blu-ray disc that accompanies some editions of World Tour Live: Speak Now features 18 performances, as well as home movies and rehearsal footage for the show, which was an elaborate affair that utilized dancers, aerialists, numerous costume changes, and a mammoth, multi-stage setup that more closely resembled a high-profile Broadway musical than it a did country music concert. ~ James Christopher Monger   This combo includes a DVD and CD. The DVD gives fans the complete Taylor Swift Speak Now concert experience, showcasing performances of all 17 songs from her Speak Now show, plus additional bonus content. The CD contains over 75 minutes of music, including live versions of favorites from the Speak Now album. The performance is a theatrical presentation of a Broadway experience. The show features elaborate costumes, dancers, aerialists, changing sets, and innovative choreography and instrumentation showcased on a multi-level stage. Taylor plays 5 different guitars in the show, including electric, acoustic, and 12-string. She also plays 2 banjos, the ukulele, and the piano, and changes costumes 9 times over the course of the evening. She moves around the venue and uses different stages, giving every audience member a great seat.   Liner Note Authors: Paula Erickson; Grant Garner.   Recording information: Atlanta, GA; Love Shack, Nashville, TN; Nimbus School Of Recording Arts, Vancouver, BC.   Directors: Taylor Swift; Baz Halpin; Ryan Polito.   Editor: Sharon Everitt.   Photographers: Christie Goodwin; Austin Swift.   Personnel: Taylor Swift (vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, piano); Mike Meadows (guitar, banjo, mandolin, background vocals); Caitlin Evanson (guitar, fiddle, background vocals); Paul Sidoti (guitar, keyboards, background vocals); Grant Mickelson, Jody Harris (guitar); David Cook (keyboards); Al Wilson (drums); Daniel Sadownick (percussion); Marlyn Ortiz, Shannon Beach, Charity Baroni, Meredith Ostrowsky, Justin Boulet, Fernando Miro, Dom Kelley, Claire Callaway (dancer); Liz Huett (background vocals).   Audio Mixers: Justin Cortelyou; Chris Rowe; Robert Allen; Bob Ezrin; Brian Virtue .
这是一名澳洲野生动物学家和一群可爱稀有的灵长类动物之间爱的故事。故事背景是衣索比亚高原壮观的火山地形,野生动物学家恰登亨特在此地待了七年时间,研究狮尾狒的一举一动,不但对它们有深刻的了解,同时也和它们建立了友好的关系。恰登将带着我们深入观察狮尾狒与人类相仿的的爱恨情仇世界。   爱上狮尾狒--【父子情深】   恰登带我们去认识巴特和克劳斯帝这对父子。巴特的母亲玛姬最近喜欢上一只名叫荷马的公狮尾狒,因而抛弃了巴特的父亲克劳斯帝。在狮尾狒的社会,年老的公狮尾狒可以呆在自己的亲生宝宝身边,并且保护它们,巴特与克劳斯帝便因此而形影不离。但活泼的巴特并不了解山区隐藏什么样的危险,经常为了照顾巴特而疲于奔命的老克劳斯帝是否能确保巴特的安全呢?   爱上狮尾狒--【悬崖之王】   悬崖之王恰登知道公狮尾狒老大任期很短,它们经常为了赢得母狮尾狒的青睐而突然暴力相向,结果胜者为王,败者为寇。公狮尾狒山普森是恰登的老朋友,恰登看着它长大,并且拥有自己的家庭。但最近山普森的女眷们心生不满,而其它公狮尾狒也蠢蠢欲动,对山普森的地位虎视眈眈。为山普森担心的恰登也只能从旁观察,希望山普森不会有事才好。   爱上狮尾狒--【后宫纷争】   在本集节目中,恰登要为我们介绍莎曼珊和它的家人,他对母狮尾狒的行为知之甚详。母狮尾狒不像初次印象般那么讨人喜欢,外表温驯的狮尾狒大姐头掌控一切,谁惹它不高兴,谁就会倒大楣。莎曼珊是大姐头,它要求纪律分明,这样才能让大家团结一致对抗外侮。但其中一只低阶级的母狮尾狒凯莉已进入动情期,它不满意自己和公狮尾狒老大楚巴卡在一起的时间少得可怜,因此情绪越来越焦躁不安,眼看一场纷争即将展开。
这部壮美的纪录片将锁定三个地球上最季节性变化的景观——斯瓦尔巴特群岛,奥卡万戈和新英格兰——展示每年它们所发生惊人的转变的独特过程揭示背后原因和野生动物为适应变化所作的应对。本片由爱尔兰籍男演员多姆纳尔·格里森解说。   第一集 新英格兰   当夏天的鲜艳的绿色让位于秋天的金色和红色时,新英格兰成了充分展现地球上最令人难以置信的色彩变化的舞台。本集揭示了这个充满活力的嘉年华是由树木和森林的居民之间的争斗所创造的。驼鹿、花栗鼠、响尾蛇和奇异的混合生物---毛毛虫都扮演至关重要的角色,但令人惊讶的是森林本身的丰富多彩要归功于海狸,蚂蚁和人类共同的辛勤劳作。   第二集 斯瓦尔巴特   北极的斯瓦尔巴特群岛好几个月是完全黑暗,冷酷无情的冰冻的冬天,温度降至-40摄氏度。但是当太阳终于重新出现,景观神奇地从一个冰的世界变成一个丰富的苔原,充满异国情调的植物、鸟类、北极狐、北极熊、海象和驯鹿。本集将关注了它们所有的荣耀和揭示了这一转换的变化只可能由于一些以冰为食的奇怪的微生物,和候鸟的惊人能力。   第三集 奥卡万戈   奥卡万戈三角洲是世界上最大的内陆三角洲——滋养你会在非洲看到的各种丰富多彩的生物。然而这郁郁葱葱的岛屿和湖泊湿地位于巨大,毫无特色的喀拉哈里沙漠中间。这是关于这种奇特景观是如何发生的故事。跟随成群的野生动物,包括河马,狒狒,鲶鱼,翠鸟,豹子,疣猪和大象,本集将揭示了每年的洪水如何改变当地景观和如何影响它们的生活。但更令人惊讶的是揭示了如何在白蚁和河马的共同帮助下,洪水实际上如何创造了这个非凡的三角洲。